Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Statistics Update - BDL and scoring the pick and roll

Before posting the Lakers Analysis, a couple of quick changes and additions to the statistics:

1 - BL is now BDL for beaten off the dribble or into the lane. After watching a number of players (most notably Jordan Farmar) make boneheaded gambles 28 feel from the basket and having their men dribble right past them for a virtual fast break, it became clear that this needed to be noted statistically. Ditto for someone gambling for a steal on the pass and having their man back cut them into the lane for a layup. Even thought they were not dribbled around in the second example, they clearly got beaten for a basket 1 on 1.

2 - Also, during the next Kings I will be tracking the pick and roll for the first time. Based off of recommendations from some people I respect at the APBR metrics forums and the forums, I will be tracking them on a tandem basis. That is, assigning equal fault to the player originally guarding the ball handler and the screener. This has some potential faults, as it could actually punish a very good pick and roll defender for being paired with a weak one. However, it will give us something to start examining and if changes need to be made down the line, so be it.

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